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Math Placement

Where do I begin?

If you are a new student at Edmonds College and are seeking placement into a mathematics course, you may need to take the Math Placement Test. Visit Testing and Assessment Services for more information about scheduling a placement test with that office. 

However, you may be able to use an alternative method of placement if you took mathematics courses from a Washington state high school in the last year, have an appropriate AP exam score, or other exams or placement methods (see the Testing and Assessment Services page for more information).  To see where your high school transcripts will place you, click on the appropriate school district to see the rubrics used for placement at this page

How Can I Prepare for the Math Placement Exam?

Visit the WAMAP Review Site for helpful information.

Which Math Class(es) Should I Take at Edmonds College?

This greatly depends on your course of study. Students working toward a science or engineering degree, for example, generally take a different sequence of math classes than a student working toward a business degree. You should consult with an advisor to determine which math course(s) you need to complete your degree.  Use the Math Course Flowchart to determine which courses are best for you based on your placement level and intended program of study.

Which Math Class Should I Take Next at Edmonds College?

If you've already taken a math course at Edmonds College, you may take any math course for which you have satisfied the prerequisite. For example, if you have passed Math 93-94 or Math 97 with a 2.0 or better, you can enroll in Math 107, 140, 141, or 146. The course you elect to take next depends on your degree program, so (as mentioned above) you should consult an advisor to determine which of the courses that you are eligible to take is most appropriate for you.

If you have not yet taken a math course at Edmonds College, you generally need to take the math placement test to determine the course(s) for which you are eligible.

Have other questions about what to take?

If you have a question you want to ask someone in the math department, fill out this Google Form  with your question and someone from the math department will get back to you.  Alternatively, if you have questions regarding your math placement, you can email mathplacement@edmonds.edu.